Department Overview

 | Post date: 2020/07/6 | 
The Chemistry Development in the theoretical and practical fields indicates its critical role in human life today. So, the level of any society's enjoyment of chemical technology is considered as a criterion for the power, wealth and prosperity of that society. The Chemistry Department of Amirkabir University of Technology is one of the departments that accepts students in graduate courses (MSc and PhD).  The students of the department can study in three groups: Applied and Organic Chemistry, Physics and Inorganic Chemistry, and Analytical and Nano Chemistry at MSc level. PhD level courses are offered for the group of Applied Chemistry.
 In addition to training students in the above fields, this department is responsible for providing service lessons (general chemistry and general chemistry laboratory) to students of other departments. The Chemistry Department is trying to play a significant role in the development of science and the progress of the country's scientific community with the efforts of its faculty members, staff and graduate students.

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